Everyone deserves to live the best life they can
C2A (Connecting2Ability) is a registered NDIS provider and not-for-profit organisation that has been supporting people with disability since 1953.
Operating from 10 sites in metropolitan Melbourne and regional Victoria, we provide a diverse range of engaging activities and support programs, including high-quality care, skills development, social activities and supported employment.
Our purpose
C2A will enable full & equal participation in society for people with disability.
Our mission
We support people with disability to live their chosen life.
There are no limits
We know that people with disability simply want the same opportunities as everyone else, and that their ultimate aim is to live a fulfilling life.
That’s why we take the time to get to know their unique needs, and their family and support network, so that we can create rich and fulfilling experiences in a safe and friendly environment.
The individualised support we provide has no limits. We do our best to everyone achieve their goals and share their interests, and to develop skills and build independence.